Welcome to Christ Church Ottershaw!
Thanks for checking out our website. Christ Church is a church in our village of Ottershaw. We want to be a blessing to all of you and we would love to get to know you.
Whether you are very new to church or have gone to a church for a long time, you are very welcome. Why not pop up at 9am or 10.30am on a Sunday for a service, or just come in for a tea or coffee.
At Christ Church our heart is to pray for the wellbeing and peace of our village, because we believe that God loves Ottershaw and all who live in it.
We hope you can come and join us at some point soon.
With love,
​Rev Mark

A bit of what we believe
At Christ Church we believe in God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, became human and lived on earth as an historical person. He was crucified, died and was buried and then was raised to life in the miracle of the resurrection. Through this we are confident that all people, whoever they are, can have access to a relationship with the God who loves each one of us so immeasurably, that whoever believes in him will have eternal life and a relationship with God (John 3 verse 16) because the bible tells us that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved (Acts 2 verse 21).
Our Team
As well are our Vicar, Rev Mark Potter, we have a team of people running the various ministries at Christ Church. Click here to find out more about the Christ Church Ottershaw Team.
Christ Church in the Community
We are actively involved in our local community. Here's a snapshot of what we are involved in:
At Christ Church we host a weekly coffee morning, CAMEO, which everyone is welcome to attend. We are also involved in the life of the local primary school doing assemblies and other groups for children throughout the week. At Christmas we do some services for local care homes and have a Christmas fair which is well attended. On the last Saturday before Christmas we are involved in helping to organise a carol singing event in the middle of the village. On Shrove Tuesday we hold a pancake and film night for the community which has been enjoyed by many for years.
Salvation Army
We are a collection point for supplies for Addlestone Salvation Army Foodbank. During our Christingle services we collect new toys for the Salvation Army to distribute.
Uniform Organisations
We have parade services involving our local Cubs and Scouts groups for Remembrance Day, Mothering Sunday and at other times throughout the year.
Bible giving
In June of each year we have a collection for Leaver's Presentation Bibles for both year 2 and year 6 children at Ottershaw school. This enables us to contribute half the cost of the Bibles and Ottershaw Christ Church C of E Infant and Junior Schools contribute the other half.