At Christ Church Ottershaw we love to welcome families! There is lots on for children and parents of all ages and backgrounds. You don't need to have been to church before - our groups and services are open to everyone.
Toddler Group
Our Toddler Group runs on Mondays mornings during school term time from 10.00 - 11.30am.
We meet in the Parish Centre and everyone is welcome! Snacks and drinks are provided for children and tea & coffee are available for parents and carers.
Cost: £2 for 1st child over 1 year plus 50p per extra child over 1 year old. There's no charge for babies under 1 year.
For more details contact our Families Worker, Monica Hall.

Messy Church
Messy Church is for all the family and is a fun and informal way of doing church together through craft, song and activity topped off by a cooked meal. It's suitable for the whole family!
It runs on the second Sunday of each month from
4- 5.30pm.
Everyone is welcome to come and join the fun!
For more information and to book, please contact our Families Worker, Monica Hall either by email or call 01932 429047.

Kids on Sundays
Our family-friendly services all begin at 10.30am.
On the first Sunday in the month we have an All-Age service in church for everyone.
On the other Sundays in the month children's groups run in our Parish Hall.
For more information about what happens on Sundays for children and families please contact Monica Hall either by email or call 01932 429047.

Forest Church
Forest Church is a time to meet with God outside, within the beauty of the world he created. Escape from our busy lives to a few moments of peace, stillness and quiet.
Church does not have to be within the confines of a building, it can be anywhere at anytime, God is all around us.
Join us for prayer, reflection and activities, usually once a season.